Saturday, July 26, 2014

Kennedy and Lincoln

Many people, many minorities, including myself, applauded the election of the 44th and current president of the United States.

Ossie Davis so eloquently stated in his poetic eulogy of Malcolm X, "We shall know him then, for what he was and is, a Prince .. Our own Black shining Prince, who didn't hesitate to die because he loved us so" (

Some Americans had delusions of grandeur when Obama took office but unfortunately, on a collective national and global scale, our first African American president has made no difference. It pains me to say this, because I voted for him. Not to say that I'm not proud of our first president of color. He represents the black race quite well. He's well spoken, highly intelligent; has a beautiful, erudite wife, and lovely children. Black America could not have asked for a more classy first lady who rivals Jackie Kennedy in her graceful dignity.

This article is not about bashing Obama. This author is still cheering him on, still rooting for he and his family to do well. Personally, I will be relieved when his tenure is over. Not from a political standpoint but from the perspective that his life and reputation are at stake. The verbal threats, the name-calling (such as Hitler) is uncalled for and unprecedented. The American public acts as if he's the first president who has to abide by an agenda, who has to stick to the "game plan."

The title of this post is "JFK and Lincoln." The inspiration behind writing this article stems from the fact that these two men were the only two presidents that dared to buck the system. Both men went head on with the Central and Federal Reserve Banks respectively, and sacrificed their lives in the process.

Lincoln printed 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, a debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private. He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service employees, and bought supplies for war.

Lincoln was assassinated by an agent of the Bankers (history shows John Wilkes Booth as his assassin) shortly after the War ended.

Following Lincoln's death, Congress immediately repealed the Greenback law, celebrating the end of slavery by re-enslaving all America to the bankers!

"The struggle that was to rid the country of human slavery of the black race, however, was also to fasten upon the whole nation an economic or money slavery, which has endured to the present time."

-- Source: Lincoln Money Martyred, by Fabius Melton Butler and R. E. Search

Kennedy issued his US Notes for much the same reason as Lincoln. On June 4, 1963, Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, which authorized the US Treasury to issue a new form of currency referred to as the "silver certificate."

Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 worth of silver certificates, that were free of debt and interest. It was a sufficient amount to allow the nation to operate without the private Federal Reserve. Just 5 months later, JFK was shot by the "crazed lone nut" Lee Harvey Oswald (history shows Oswald as Kennedy's assassin, but JFK was shot from at least 3 different angles).

Immediately after Kennedy's death, the US Notes were pulled out of circulation and, except for samples in the hands of collectors, were destroyed.

The "Invisible Hand," the "Illuminati," "The Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church," the "13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati," whatever you care to call the 300 or so men who dominate approximately 7 billion people on this planet, does not matter. History clearly points out that such a group does indeed exist. This global, sinister and greedy cabal, dominate via politics, religion, war, and control of the money supply, and have done so for the past two millinea.

The President of the United States is only powerful on paper. Before future national presidents would ever be considered truly powerful, he (or she) must use the highest platform in the land, to speak out boldly about this gargantuan elephant in the room. The large, smelly one that has controlled and manipulated societies. To date, only JFK and Lincoln had the courage to do so.

We need someone to use the highest office in the world, to step up to the plate and make a difference. Without a doubt, this individual will either be assassinated or his political career will be ruined. His efforts however, will ignite the world, could possibly put an end to war (the biggest money making venture in the history of humankind), and we will see dramatic changes across the globe.

Referred to as the Jimmy Carter UFO Incident, while governor of Georgia, at Leary, Georgia, 1969, former President Carter and a few others witnessed an unidentified flying object. Governor Carter vowed that if he were ever president he would let the American public know that we do indeed, have visitors from other planets.

Upon taking office in January 1977, President Carter requested a meeting with then, CIA director, George Bush Sr. Carter demanded that Bush turn over classified documents about UFO's and the information in possession of the U.S. Intelligence community concerning the existence of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence. This information was refused to the president by George Bush Sr. Bush insisted that the president needed to go through several sources to have this information declassified. It was suspected that Carter was prepared to reveal this information to the American public. The Vatican Library also refused access to information regarding extra-terrestrials.

As noted in the "Sirius Disclosure Project" the American government has cataloged "57 different species of ET's." "All entities were humanoid, some looked just like us, except with advanced abilities."

We must take a stand for future generations. If you have children, their offspring, your great grandchildren, not only is their freedom at stake, but their actual existence is seriously on the line. It's far too much bullshit going on in this world and we stand idly by, waiting on the Lord, to assist us where we will need to help ourselves.

Please take heed to the words of the late astrophysicist Carl Sagan:

"Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves."

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