Is it just me, or do evangelicals (Christians and Muslims) get pissed when you criticize their religion and their fallacious, fanatical, medieval beliefs?
They are quick to throw scriptures at you, such as, Matthew 7:1 (Bible) or the Qur'an, verse 46:9, when they are challenged: "Judge not, that ye be not judged" (Christian Bible), and "I am no bringer of new-fangled doctrine among the apostles, nor do I
know what will be done with me or with you. God is the ONLY one who can
judge humans" (Qur'an).
There is no more judgmental human being on this earth than the fundamentalist Christian or Muslim.If you don't agree with the irrationality of their canonical perspectives (based on their respective holy books, which of course, in their eyes, is infallible) they won't have anything to do with you, and this is true with family members as well. If that's not being judgmental, I'm not sure what is.
Christian women want a "God-fearing man;" Christian men are looking for "God-fearing women." Muslims date and marry, for the most part, other Muslims.
If you're not down with the hyperbole, myths and fables in the Bible or the Qur'an, evangelical adherents have no respect for your thoughts or beliefs surrounding human mortality and spirituality. Superciliously, these devoutly deranged individuals then have the gall to say, "I'll pray for you," even when you have not asked them to do so.
Most Christians and Muslims are extremely arrogant regarding their archaic, nonsensical beliefs, which have been engrained into their collective psyche's since adolescence. You have idiotic parents pouring "holy water" on children, and that child grows up doing the same things with her children.
Years ago, I figured out why most canonical zealots get so upset when their postulations are challenged. They're agitated because you have the courage to say, "wait a minute, what I've been told and what I've read from these books makes absolutely no sense."
Therefore, the skeptic - me at 15 years of age - will begin to research independently; he will begin to look for answers outside of the Christian Holy Book. When you take this step, you'll quickly realize that you have been set free. The religious shackles that were placed on you at birth are removed once you begin to open your eyes to see the truth.
Universal verisimilitude and spiritual enlightenment is staring every human being in the face. Unfortunately, over 4 billion Muslims and Christians will transition from this dimension still clinging to barbaric, antiquated folklore. Most sectarian extremist are too far gone in one religious direction or the other, to ever see the "forest for the trees."
Ministers, priest, bishops, cardinals, other members of the clergy, and dare I say, the Pope himself, are misleading the gullible masses and have been doing so for the past 2000 years.
This is how religious establishments and prosperity preachers earn trillions of dollars annually, by selling pious indulgences.
The typical Christian/Muslim is too benighted, too brainwashed to realize he's been hoodwinked.
Your minister drives a high-priced vehicle and lives in a mansion, while you live paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet. Please tell me, what's wrong with this picture?
Certainly there are many successful people that give their "10 percent to the Lord." That still doesn't make it right and they would still have that same financial success, maybe more, if they were not donating a tenth of their gross salary, to shysters, charlatans, and sacrosanct criminals.