Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fear of Dying

Billions of people across the globe harbor a tremendous fear of death. Studies show the fear of dying is second to the fear of public speaking. This is a rather odd statistic considering the consequences of failing at public speaking compared to the consensus opinion regarding one's physical demise.

The colossal trepidation surrounding death is heightened by the myriad apocryphal stories most people have heard and read about, the majority of their lives.

If a thorough study is done on what’s considered a morbid topic, you will clearly see that your fears are unwarranted. From your research, you will discover the fact that a large percentage of the human body is made of carbon, water, and nitrogen. Each of these elements are part of the universal recycling process. In other words, as long as the universe exist (and it's been in existence a little under 14 billion years), the energy that is you - currently in human form - will continue to be a part of that regenerating process.

In our purest state we are energy. Energy moves into form, through form, and out of form, and the process starts anew. You also might want to consider the strong probability that once you understand and graduate from this earthly matrix, your energy could very well transition to any one of sextillions of other planets that harbor intelligent, thinking beings.

Hundreds of thousands of people have had what is referred to as near-death experiences. The majority of the individuals who have had this marvelous opportunity, have all stated that they did not want to return to this earthly dimension.

Regardless of what they had going on in their lives at the time, many dreaded the idea of having to return after getting a glimpse of our true environment.

Most of the unwitting participants also mentioned that the brief trip to another dimension was not scary at all and appeared to be quite familiar. 

It was familiar because we’ve all made that particular trip hundreds if not thousands of times. Whether you believe you’ve made the trip or not, remember your body is carbon, nitrogen, and water, which has recycled for billions of years, so why wouldn’t you?

The same length of time that water, carbon, and nitrogen have been on this earth, that’s the same length of time that your energy has been here, in various forms.

There is no such thing as death. Certainly the human body will meet some type of ending, but since it is the vessel used to navigate this corporeal landscape, it is simply discarded as one would throw away an old glove. At this point of your existence, there is no longer a need for a physical body.

Failed lessons that were not comprehended, along with karmic consequences, will be addressed in another physical incarnation.

The hell, fire and brimstone stories leave numerous questions unanswered. The one question that no one seems to be able to answer or care to answer is, if energy does not burn and cannot be destroyed, where does the eternal pain and suffering come from?

Your immortality did not start on the date of your physical birth nor will it end on the date of your physical demise. If that were the case, we would not be energy, we would not be eternal.

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