Friday, August 28, 2015

Change Starts With You

"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. ... We need not wait to see what others do." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

One person cannot change the world. The unjust authority, the seedy side of our universal biosphere, can only be rectified via persistence and discipline from a collective group working in tandem.

One individual, no matter how powerful his or her position cannot do it alone. The 'advocate for justice' can make waves through organizational efforts but the underlying current of global deceit and chicanery will remain intact.

There have been a few who have tried to pass the baton, such as Lincoln (tried to take back control of the money supply from International Banking Cartels - assassinated), Gandhi, King, Mandela, Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa), Kennedy (tried to take back control of the money supply from International Banking Cartels - assassinated), and Malcolm.

Not only have we dropped the baton but collectively, we're no longer in the race. Religious and political leaders of the 21st century have sold out to commercialism, greed, and fear. Evangelical zealots wallow in self-aggrandizement while increasing their net worth.

Regardless of what you see in the pulpit on Sunday, these sacrosanct shysters refuse to challenge the sharks of the world.

The Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican; Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Morgan families (wield global financial control and dominance); Wars for profit; the United States Federal Reserve; and the International Banking Cartels, for centuries, have gone unchallenged and answer to no one.

The late Rothschild patriarch, Mayer Rothschild stated in the early 1700s, "give me control of a nations finances and I care not who makes her laws." Even the President of the United States cannot attend a Federal Reserve meeting.

Instead of challenging the big fish, pseudo leaders make massive profits off gullible sycophants while laundering billions through bogus 'non-profit', pious ponzi schemes.

Also, there's a
financial price tag to get into Christianity's apocryphal heaven? Sure is, ten percent of your gross income. Anything less, you'll spend eternity in mythical Hades.

Positive change starts from within. Do what you can to improve your energy level by saying, doing, and living in a positive manner. Do not worry if your neighbor doesn't refer to herself as Christian. If he identifies with Islam, it doesn't matter because again, it all starts at ground zero and you are the focal point.

The core of every human being is energy. The definition of energy is, "the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity." Oil, coal, natural gas, wind, water, just to name a few, provide us the energy we need in our daily lives, and it all comes from our closest star - the Sun. This is why "Sun Worship" was the first form of adoration and reverence in human history. The Zeitgeist documentary succinctly puts the Sun in historical perspective:

"As far back as 10,000 BC history is abundant with carvings and writings reflecting people's respect and adoration for this object. And it is simple to understand why as every morning the Sun would rise bringing vision, warmth and security saving man from the cold, blind, predator filled darkness of night. Without it, the cultures understood, the crops would not grow, that life on the planet would not survive. These realities make the Sun the most adored object of all time."

If you ask a quantum physicist, "What created the World?", he's likely to say, energy. If you ask the quantum physicist to describe energy, he might tell you this:

  • Energy can never be created or destroyed. 
  • Energy always was and always has been.
  • Energy is always moving into form, through form and out of form.

If you ask a theologian, "What created the Universe?", she is likely to say, "God". If you ask the theologian to describe God," she might tell you:

  • God can never be created or destroyed. 
  • God always was and always has been. 
  • God is always moving into form, through form and out of form.

In the quantum realm, energy is spiritual by nature. Spirituality is energetic by nature. They are one and the same. Quantum physics is confirming everything that we once considered exclusively religious or spiritual.

This is how energy relates to each and every one of us, and why it's important to keep energy levels up. How is this done? Stay on the high road and steer clear of the low road. Stay positive because this keeps your emotions in tact. Depression and fear are detrimental and has a direct effect on you and the world around you.

Here's a simple quote from "The Secret."

"Energy flows where attention goes."

One person cannot make a difference in this highly volatile, extremely malevolent world. One person is no match for the Roman Catholic Church, organized religion (Christianity and Islam), or the United States Government. However, a collective focus of positive energy will quickly turn the tide of despair to a powerful ray of hope, global camaraderie, and the end of war.

"Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."



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