Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Follow The Money

If the new energy technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are the most important thing to happen in the history of the world, and they are being suppressed.

The technology is real, but the inventors are being intimidated, ridiculed, and even murdered. Canadian John Hutchinson created free energy batteries and also used Nikola Tesla's theories to counter gravity; to make objects float. This type of discovery would revolutionize the field of propulsion.

Hutchinson's lab was raided and equipment was taken by police and government officials in 1978, 1989, and in 2000.

In 2004, Dr. Eugene Mallowe, MIT and Harvard Engineer, New Energy Scientist, and editor of Infinite Energy Magazine, was mysteriously beaten to death.

In 1974, Inventor John Bedini began working with Tesla's theories of radiant energy, announced that he was going to start offering them at low cost. Soon afterwards he was attacked in his lab and warned not to produce the devices. He discontinued marketing devices that produced free energy, for his own safety. If these energy-scientist are charlatans and quacks, why are they being silenced? Who stands to gain by concealing the fact that free energy is available and can save our planet?

Physicist and Inventor Adam Trombly states, "major military people who put their life and liberty on the line, have stated that ET's and UFO's are real. However, the Military Industrial Complex does not want their statements to be made public because we would begin to think about the technology behind it.

In other words, you begin to wonder why Intelligent beings from other galaxies, have no problems reaching our planet, but we can't reach them. We could if all the secrets were disclosed and made available to us.

The suppression of UFO phenomenon works hand-in-hand with the suppression of free energy. Energy is extracted from the space around us, that comes directly from the Sun, which means it cannot be metered. This is a direct threat to the largest industry in the world - Energy.

Free energy means goodbye Exxon Mobil, goodbye Oil (which is what many wars for profit are fought over), goodbye coal, goodbye linear transmission of energy via power lines; it's all gone because it would be no longer necessary.

Energy is a 200 trillion dollar industry, which explains why scientist and innovators of free energy devices are being silenced. The claim that there are no better alternatives, is a colossal ruse. The infinite energy of the universe can be tapped into by aligning harmoniously with nature.

Nature that we do not have dominion over (the authors of the bible have mislead you) because we are an equal part of the global ecosystem. Interstellar civilizations understand how they are one with their environment. They are far more advanced than the human race, primarily because they use technologies that interface with consciousness and thought, and we don't.

So whose wealth and power are threatened by access to clean, free energy? To find the answer, lets follow the money trail. Who has the motive to set up a world where so few have so much and the majority has so little? As long as we are dependent on oil, Energy corporations can continue to reap enormous profits. These corporations have enough money and influence to suppress anything that might threaten their monopoly.

Who is behind the huge energy corporations.

In 1870, John D. Rockefeller became the world's first billionaire when he founded Standard Oil. The Rockefellers control our food as well. Petroleum based agriculture provided vast new profits for the Oil Industry but never lived up to its promise of ending hunger and promoting health.

In two crucial areas, energy and food, the same elite banking families and their corporations have taken control, and the consequences have been devastating.

The Rockefellers also created the National Educational Association with assistance from the Carnegie and Ford Foundations. The captains of industry wanted to teach and reemphasize the need for an obedient and docile workforce. To teach us to respond by reflexes, to anyone in authority that tells us what to do, which is one reason why religion is so powerful.

The education industry is primarily funded by pharmaceutical companies. The motive is to sell as many drugs as possible. That's why every other child has some form of ADD and is popping Ritalin pills like candy.

"Who controls the food supply, controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world."

~ Henry Kissinger, 1973


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