Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Resolving Racism

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." 

"Except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted" is the loophole that actually allowed slavery to continue almost a century after the passing of the 13th Amendment.

When and if you have the time, black folks, watch and read the following documentaries and books:

Most of these documentaries and books are rather difficult to watch/read but the educational and historical value makes these documentaries/books, a 'must see/must read' for all people of color. The underlying, tragic theme most have in common is the complete and utter disrespect of black lives.

Black lives in America have never mattered. This is a historical issue going back to chattel slavery.

You will never get a racist or a racist system (that America has been since its inception) to admit to racism. Unless you're a card-carrying member of the KKK, Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, Bull Connor, George Wallace, or Dylann Roof, you will never get an admission of guilt regarding the racial hatred toward the black race. That will never happen, so why continue to ask the question when we already know the answer.

This article writer will tell you how to do away with racism, once and for all, and it starts with African Americans.

Distance yourself, say goodbye to organized religion. Why? Because all the skulduggery and manipulation behind oppression, disenfranchisement, and inhuman disrespect, directed toward people of color, starts with the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican.

Throughout chattel slavery, this evangelical, multi-international corporation had the ability to stop human bondage in its tracks but chose not to do so for financial gain. The
canonical chicanery of the Vatican filters down to all subsidiaries, regardless of religious denomination. Organized religion, through your beneficent donations - referred to as tithing - and War, are the entities financing and sanctioning hate, division, and global oppression. Religion and War are the sinister birds of the same malevolent feather.

If you're wondering why there has only been a modicum of change in the way African Americans are treated and perpetually disrespected as a people, view the documentaries and read the books associated with this article.

Christianity is the common denominator that ties our tragic past to our dysfunctional present.

This will continue because the majority of Black America is waiting on a white apocryphal 'savior' to "cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him" (see Revelations 1:7) and save the day.

The majority understands the fact that the antediluvian deities, such as Horus (similar story of Jesus told millinea before the common era, aka 'Before Christ'), Hercules, Dionysus (similar story of Jesus told millinea before the common era, aka 'Before Christ'), Zeus, Athena, Adonis, Thor, and myriad others, are no more than mythology.

We have been taught to dismiss the aforementioned ersatz personalities as fiction, while excepting Jesus as fact. The powers that be cannot allow the Jesus myth to go away because without Jesus, there is no Christianity. Without Christianity, the global ponzi scheme that is organized religion, falls like a stack of dominoes.

Starting in the early 20th century and continuing through the 21st, a good number of black folks are foolishly believing that Jesus was black. They refer to themselves as "Black Hebrew Israelites."

efore Black Christian apologist or Hebrew Israelites attempt to introduce the Red Herring* and Straw Man* fallacies, understand this: it is a moot point whether the character called Jesus was black, white, or purple. The protagonist of the Christian story is based on Roman archaic literature lifted from Egyptian folklore. Therefore, to argue over the race of this character is tantamount to debating the ethnicity of Bugs Bunny. 

onsider the name itself, 'Jesus Christ'
is not an epithet of Hebrew origin... Black Hebrew Israelites, shhhhh, I can hear you 'attacking the straw man'. Purportedly, the Christian savior's name was Yeshua ben Yosef. "Christ" comes from the word Christos, which is translated as "King; follower of Christ, or the anointed." Thus we can rule out 'Christ' being the true surname of Jesus. Please don't brush this fact aside as inconsequential because it has everything to do with the absurdity of this plagiarized, ancient apostolic allegory.

There were a plethora of men with the name of Yeshua ben Yosef during the time frame of the Jesus story. To the dismay of Christian apologist, no historians that lived slightly before, during or after the time Christ supposedly resided on this planet, wrote one single word about a guy walking on water, raising the dead and himself, returning from the dead and ascending into Heaven. It is a historian's obligation and primary job to do what? RECORD HISTORY. There would be no reason to omit such a character performing such amazing feats.

As long as we continue to believe this horrific fabrication, we will continue to finance the very system that keeps African Americans in second class status and infinite servitude.

Let it go, you won't be punished eternally for doing so, you will be set free! Bear in mind, we are 100% energy at our purest state. Energy cannot suffer unremitting pain or the excruciating discomfort of a scorpion's bite, or any other macabre punishment associated with the human-created story of Hell. If there's no body, there is no pain. 

Where Christianity is concerned, believers are suffering from 'Stockholm Syndrome' or 'Capture Bonding'. This is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy or sympathy, and have positive feelings toward their captors, to the point of defending them.

These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.

This is what has taken place over the centuries with Christianity. A religion that has a history replete with war, murder, mayhem, enslavement, torture, rape and abuse of women and children, along with embezzlement and extortion at the highest levels. However, in spite of its appalling past, close to 4 billion people fervently support Christianity and Islam.  

To say that you have been hoodwinked would be a major understatement. Absurdity and ignorance are the words that come to mind for those billions of believers who support and adhere to the myriad nonsensical religious myths

Caucasian Americans are immune to the consequences of such idiotic beliefs because they have been the beneficiaries of the outlandish fables. To the peril of most African Americans, this is the main reason we have been and still are treated with such disdain, disrespect, and contempt. I'll close with this, and most of you are not going to like it, "The Greatest Story Ever Told" is total BALDERDASH! 

* Red Herring Fallacy: redirect the argument to another issue that to which the person doing the redirecting can better respond.

* Straw Man Fallacy: informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.  

Additional Reading:

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