Monday, May 15, 2017


As stated in the documentary Zeitgeist:

"Christianity [the Bible/Quran], along with all other theistic belief systems, is the fraud of the age. It serves to detach the species from the natural world, and likewise each other. It supports blind submission to authority. It reduces human responsibility to the effect that God controls everything, and in turn, awful crimes can be justified in the name of divine pursuit. Most importantly, it empowers those who know the truth but use the myth to manipulate and control societies. The religious myth is the most powerful device ever created, and serves as the psychological soil upon which other myths can flourish."

Christians, Muslims, biblical and quranic apologist, are so arrogantly misguided, they have the audacity to get upset when Christianity and Islam are linked together. Do the research and you'll see that both spawned from Judaism and are birds of the same sinister feather.

We abandoned ridiculous beliefs about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. The reason why the plagiarized (lifted directly from Egyptian mythology) apocryphal Jesus story was not abandoned is because it ties in to the psychotic, absurd notion that "if you don't recognize Jesus - the protagonist of a Roman story mind you - you will transition to a nonsensical place called Hell." 

Really people? Seriously? And as an African-American, I'm downright embarrassed by the evangelical shenanigans of my genealogical brothers and sisters when you consider the fact that Christianity, Jesus, and the 'holy book' were all force-fed and beaten into our ancestors. Black Christians should be ashamed of themselves!

If at our core, we are pure energy - can never be destroyed, moves into form (birth), through form (life), and out of form (death), and the cycle repeats itself - this means no pain, no death. This deductive concept has nothing to do with outlandish beliefs and everything to do with the cycles of water, carbon and nitrogen.

The millions of people who have experienced NDEs, regardless of their religious postulates, or lack thereof, have stated, "they feel more alive when temporarily unattached to their body and there is no pain." The pain returns when their energy returns to the body.

Non-believers, free thinkers, and logical human beings, who are not emotionally hamstrung by blind faith, any debate with brainwashed fundamentalists is a complete waste of time and energy. Our efforts to reach these people, falls under an exercise in futility. It is categorized as such because the plethora of benighted believers will cling to archaic, superstitious, backwards, pious dogma, until the day their energy transitions from this earth.

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