Sunday, November 19, 2017

Christianity is Poppycock

Every so often there is a post or a YouTube video debunking the Horus/Jesus connection or debunking the brilliant Zeitgeist documentary, that totally exposes the sham that is Christianity.

This article is my response to one such "debunking of the Horus/Jesus connection." Brace yourself, this ain't gonna be pretty. Feel free to disconnect, block, delete the author from any social network that we may be associated with, because I could give a rats ass!

Christian apologist are so IGNORANT and so DEFENSIVE of their apocryphal 'Savior' Jesus Christ that a smart 6-year-old, with the ability to do her own research could dissect the Christian belief system in 5 minutes. Even if we give you the unlikely probability that the Horus myth is false, there are a plethora of facts that Christian Apologist cannot deny (but do so at their own spiritually psychotic expense, and don't care that their assumptions are baseless because of their deep, hereditary religious conditioning and massive BRAINWASHING).

Here are just a few other examples that clearly highlight the absurdity of the global ponzi scheme that is Christianity (Islam too).

  1. Inscribed on the Temple of Luxor in Egypt (in hieroglyphics) is the 'Annunciation of Horus' which is very similar to the 'miracle birth of Jesus Christ'. The problem absurd believers face is the fact that this inscription is dated some 3000 years before the common era. Christian mobs who made the attempt to expunge Egyptian religious mythology, covered the temple with clay, not realizing that this only preserved the pious information.
  2. The name itself - Jesus Christ - is completely nonsensical as you would have to know that could not have been his name. Christ or Christos is a title; meaning King or Ruler. If the 60 or so historians who lived slightly before, during and a few decades after the pseudo crucifixion did not write about this "miraculous man" and their primary job is to RECORD HISTORY, it is a very strong possibility that 'Jesus of Nazareth' never existed. Also, "Jesus" would be the English translation of the Hebrew name "Yeshua." Purportedly, the 'made-up' "Savior of Humankind's" name was "Yeshua ben Yosef." This name in Hebrew is as common as a David Michael Smith would be in America. 
  3. Jesus Christ and Christianity would be of NO VALUE to African Americans even though millions of FOOLISH BLACK FOLKS still support this macabre religion. The same religion used to enslave 'our' ancestors, rape our women, separate families, etc. etc. And now, in the 21st century, you have buffoons running around talking about Jesus was Black. Seriously? Granted, if the character actually existed, in a region replete with people of color, he certainly would not have been the blue-eyed, bearded, Michaelangelo version. Be that as it may, to argue that Jesus was Black, White, Red or Green is tantamount to debating the nationality of Bugs Bunny.
  4. All the outlandish stories in your Christian Holy Book, written by about 40 or so authors who thought the world was flat, who condoned slavery, rape of women and children, murder, and the list goes on. Scientist and astronomers, such as Giordano Bruno, through telescopic research, when their findings disagreed with the Bible, the Church (Pope) had him and others like him, put to death in horrific ways (Bruno's tongue was cut out and he was burned alive). 
This is the same Christian religion that you evangelical IDIOTS support today. The same belief system, the same savior that is supposed to return. If you are foolishly waiting on a return of Jesus, you may as well be waiting on the return of 'Foghorn Leghorn' because it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN !!!

As comedian Chris Rock stated, "If you're Black and Christian you must have a very short memory."

Also, the octogenarian explorer, Barbara Hillary stated, "Christianity is the greater shackle, the greater RAPE the BLACK MIND than SLAVERY ever was!"

Black folks should not even be in a RIDICULOUS discussion about Christianity.. Let WHITE FOLKS have this evil, psychotic, masochistic global cult... But nooooooo, we can't do it because unfortunately, myriad Black Folks do not feel validated unless they are doing exactly what White Folks are doing, and getting their approval.

The whole Kaepernick, NFL debate, where they have turned his protest about unarmed Black men being killed; White America has flipped the script to turn it into Black Athletes disrespecting the military, disrespeting the anthem and the flag. The third stanza of the poem, later turned in to the Anthem of America, clearly indicates this poem was not written for individuals of African origin. And now you want to force us to honor it, even though that is NOT what Kaep's protest was about.

Christianity is the biggest SCAM in Human history. It is TOTAL BULLSHIT !!!!

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