Saturday, December 5, 2020

Black People Cannot Be Racist

A white person on Facebook called me a racist because of a post about Meaghan and Harry. I'm not going to get into specifics of why I completely disagree with her ill-informed assessment about me regarding the former Dutchess. I blocked her because of one of my favorite quotes by Mark Twain... "Never argue with a fool, onlookers won't be able to tell the difference."

Any white person who has the audacity to call a black person a racist, needs to know that is not possible and this article will explain why.
"A man cannot hate the whip with which he is being flogged but then be expected to love the person doing the flogging. When such a black man, lying helpless bleeding on the ground expresses hate for the white person wielding the whip, it is only reasonable."
"Black people have a right to voice out their pain. Their pain does not require validation from a white person to be considered real. If your arrogance as a white person is blinding you from seeing this, then it’s time you did some introspection. Do not be quick to jump on the “victim” bandwagon and accuse blacks of being racist. Black people can never be racist – we never had the tools or power to institutionalize racial oppression. So next time you as a white person want to accuse black people of reverse racism and insufficient anger – check yourself and your privilege."
-- Sobantu Mzwakali

The callous bigotry of white folks claiming that blacks are racist is encouraged by indifference, arrogance, ignorance, coupled with "White Fragility" (phenomenal book written by Robin Diangelo, a Caucasian woman). A cursory glance at the sordid, evil history of the Caucasoid race, will display violence, mayhem, manipulation, rape, and murder, at every turn. This nefarious group of people have committed heinous acts against all other races they have encountered going back to the 1st and 2nd Centuries, starting with the reign of Emperor Trajan.

The author will stay on course, and will not drift too far historically to make the point of European global malevolence, along with genealogical duplicity and chicanery at the highest levels. Therefore, to have the unmitigated gall to attempt to paint a picture as black folks being evil racist is laughable.

Racism is defined as, "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior; the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance, and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another."

When have black people ever thought collectively, that we are the superior race? Never. Our contention has always been, we simply want to be treated as equals. Europeans have never afforded African Americans our God-given right to equality. Equality will never be a part of Euro-American society for two reasons:
  1. The Caucasoid dominated world doesn't care to lose or share any of their power. 
  2. As long as black folks are shelling out over $100 billion annually to finance Christianity, we're also financing racism, racist practices, and racist institutions.
Black America we are hamstringing ourselves. What is the foundation and selling point of the KKK? A Christian organization that believes wholeheartedly in Jesus Christ and the "purity" of the white race.
"Since 1865, the Ku Klux Klan has a history of hate in America — not the natural discord that characterizes a democracy, but the wild, irrational, killing hate that has led men and women throughout our history to extremes of violence against others simply because of their race, nationality, religion or lifestyle."
Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism

The members of the KKK have been responsible for atrocities that are difficult for rational, morally astute human beings to fathom. In the 21st Century, the traditional Klan has declined but has birthed many other groups that go by a variety of names and symbols, just as hate-filled and dangerous as the KKK.

In the apocryphal accounts of Jesus Christ, the dates of this character's earthly occupation occurred some 1300 years before the start of American Slavery. The skulduggery of Christianity and the Church was deeply entrenched in our global society long before 1619, when the privateer "The White Lion" brought 20 African slaves ashore in the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Christianity was forced on the ancestors of today's African Americans. Being brainwashed, our forebearers passed this vile belief system down to subsequent generations.

Ask yourself this question. If the Roman Catholic Church and Organized Religion had the power to stop Slavery in its tracks; had the power to end the Holocaust before it began, and did nothing but reap the humongous financial benefits, what does this say about their intended mission? Certainly not to help humanity. Organized Religion was created as a method of control, no more, no less. And black folks support their own demise every Sunday we put one dime in the collection plate.

America is a capitalistic country influenced by wealth and power — things that always have been controlled by white people. To achieve equality, white people have to share and they flat out refuse to do so. Therefore, we must do for ourselves what we have been begging, pleading, marching, and dying, for white folks to do. We should know by now -- especially with the emergence of the autocratic Donald J. Trump -- racial equality and financial reparations ain't gonna happen!

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