Monday, June 7, 2021

Best Foot Foward

The reason "men don't put their best foot forward" on dating sites is a bit perplexing to women, but it shouldn't be... 

Let me break it down for the ladies.

1. Most men on dating sites, esp FREE dating sites, are simply looking for a quick piece of azzzzzzz.

2. If he comes across an attractive female, that's over the age of 50: 

A) The picture is probably old... 

B) It's not the person in the image that you would be corresponding with... 

C) Thousands of men would be vying for that one pretty woman's attention (an image that may not be real).

3) The majority of men on free dating sites are already in a relationship. 

4) If you're in your 50's or older, the mate you seek will be in that same age range. On average, he or she will have been married 2+ times; will possibly be dealing with health issues (which often includes obesity, alcoholism, diabetes, etc) and have a plethora of other skeletons in his/her closet.

Sure, you hear the stories about "so and so" met their mate online and got married. It does happen but that's usually for people under the age of 50. Over 50, as much as I hate to say it, the chances of meeting that elusive "soul mate" is slim to none, and Slim's on an extended vacation.

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