Sunday, August 22, 2021

What Happened to the Flu?

Dating back the previous 18 months, when a celebrity passes on, especially an African American well-known person, regardless of how he died, the media adds, "by the way, he had COVID." 

January 5, 2021, legendary baseball great Hank Aaron was administered the vaccine at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. 17 days later he died. The media quickly released a statement, "Aaron died of natural causes."

CNN article, written on August 21, 2021:

"Rev. Jesse Jackson and his wife have been hospitalized after testing positive for Covid-19." 

Excerpts from the article state:

"Jackson received his first Covid-19 vaccine dose in January at an event to promote African American confidence in vaccinations, according to a statement at the time from RPC."

"Quite a few people who took the first vaccine are not immune to the "Delta variant of COVID." 

"Due to the more dangerous nature of the Delta variant, breakthrough infections for those who are vaccinated have been reported..."

Rev. Jackson and his wife were first vaccinated in January. In August, they're both hospitalized "after testing positive for COVID-19." Seriously? You don't think 'Big Pharma' doesn't have a hand in this?

What if Hank Aaron didn't get vaccinated on Jan 5th of this year? Would he have died 17 days later?

What the heck happened to the flu? Hundreds of thousands of people die from influenza annually. Yet, during this pseudo pandemic era, people are no longer dying from flu-related symptoms. The majority of their autopsies list COVID-19 as the culprit.

Believe what you will, but it is possible that the rumor regarding financial incentives to hospitals for COVID-related deaths is not a rumor at all.

I took one flu shot in my life at the age of 32 and it nearly killed me. What saved me was that I was in the best physical condition of my life. The day after the vaccine, I felt horrible. I forced myself to go to the gym and sweat. I jogged and lifted light-weights while working up a very good sweat. Went home, showered, felt worse, to the point of saying to myself, "I'll need to go to the ER in the morning." 

However, when I woke up, I had sweated the poison out of my system. Doubters stated, "that was the flu-shot kicking in." The shot is what gave me the flu because I didn't have it to begin with. I only took the flu-vaccine because of the advice of a few co-workers. 

Fool me once, shame on me... fool me twice... not happening!

I'll rest my laurels on the famous quote by Greek physician Hippocrates (an aphorism that has withstood the test of time).

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”

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