Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)

An out-of-body experience is a phenomenon in which a person perceives the world from a location outside their physical body. An OBE is a form of Autoscopy (a rare phenomenon in which a person visualizes or experiences a veritable hallucinatory image of his double). Autoscopy is a term more commonly used to refer to the pathological condition of seeing a second self, or doppelgänger (an apparition or double of a living person).

The beauty of metaphysics is that the research, coupled with life experiences and acquired wisdom, delineate that there is so much more to our lives; so much more to our existence; and divulge a great deal about the vibrational beings that we are. We temporarily inhabit physical bodies in order to navigate this three-dimensional physical plane. We also incarnate here for the purposes of accruing knowledge, spiritual growth, and the maturation of the soul.

Dr. Michael Beckwith, leader of the Agape International Spiritual Center, refers to us as "Vibrational Beings." We are entities of pure energy that were never created. We are timeless, indestructible, sentient beings that perpetually transform from the spirit world to physical form. My study of the very insightful Dr. Beckwith triggered a lucid daydream... an OBE (out-of-body-experience).

The NDE is the Near Death Experience. No one wants to actually have one of those because you would almost die in the process. In this OBE, my vantage point was from the third person perspective. I was lovingly embraced by an unseen entity. A full-body, physical embrace that felt as if it were happening in real-time. I would have been comfortable in this position for an eternity, that is how great this brief occurrence felt. I was lying on my back, totally immersed in a loving embrace.

I was not asleep, so it wasn't a nocturnal dream. My crepuscular rendezvous was as a third-party witness to a miraculous spiritual expression. 

As the enclasp reached its conclusion, slightly above was my physical body. I viewed my spirit or energy seep back into my body and my direct encounter with the spirit world was over. I was able to witness the silver cord re-enter my physical body. In metaphysical parlance, this cord is known as the sutratma or life thread of the antahkarana. It refers to a life-giving linkage from the higher-self to the physical body.  

I wanted to journal or blog the experience immediately but was too tired and fell asleep. This actually worked in my favor because when you have a dream and can remember it days, weeks, months, and even years later, it's not a dream but a spirit visitation. I slept for about an hour, woke up and wrote this article.

As Vibrational Beings of Light and Love, we are so much more than what we have become.

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