On February 20, 1895, Frederick Douglass returned home after an inspiring lecture in Washington, DC. Waiting on his front porch was a young man who was in attendance. Inspired by his speech, the young African American ask Mr. Douglass what he could do to help? Douglass turns to him and says, "Agitate .. Agitate .. Agitate." He then walks wearily into his house. A short while later, Frederick Douglass has a heart attack in the foyer and dies in his wife's arms.
Because I don't subscribe to any religion and do not identify with Atheism, people often question my staunch criticism of Christianity. Their thinking is, "it's OK that you don't refer to yourself as Christian but why are you raining on our parade, why are you questioning our beliefs?"
If this particular religion did not wield such sinister global influence, if it were as nonconsequential as Scientology, Hare Krisna, or Jainism, it would be easy to look the other way.
But we're talking about a religion that has initiated wars, has ostracized and minimized women and gays, has embezzled trillions of dollars (and counting), has molested and raped children, and destroyed lives throughout its 2000-year existence. Therefore, my silence, as Dr. King stated, would be betrayal.
If you know that something is morally corrupt and you do nothing about it, you're just as culpable as the priest, bishops and cardinals who violate children. Not only are you responsible but you're financing the canonical criminal enterprise; you're financing the global duplicity and skuldugery with your tithes and offerings.
You are a complete idiot if you're continuing to say that you're "giving your money to the Lord," while Pastor Dollar rolls up every Sunday in his $200,000 Aston Martin Volante. A few blocks away sits his historic Brookhaven estate that he purchased for a cool 1.5 million - with your money. How foolish can you be?
I've heard fundamentalist idiots (oops, sorry, believers) say, "my pastor doesn't take a salary, he has his own business." Where do you think he got the money to start the business? Where do you think he gets the money to keep it afloat?
As long as I live and breath, I will continue to agitate. I could give a rats azz about those who do not like it. That includes relatives, acquaintances, FB and LinkedIn 'friends' and +Bubblews connections. I'll constantly be in your face, knocking on the door to your consciousness, until you wake up!
** News Flash to my African American brothers and sisters, the same religion and savior, the same God you worship today, it's the same one that was introduced to your ancestors. Blacks who came over on slave ships didn't know the first thing about "Jesus" until his apocryphal story was beat into and permanently engrained into their psyche. So much so, that it has been a staple of most black families some 600 years later.
The irony of all religious ironies is that one of the most profitable slave traders was Captain John Hawkins. His trips across the Atlantic were made on a slave ship called "Jesus of Lubec" (or the "Good Ship Jesus"). The ship was purchased by King Henry VIII and loaned to Hawkins by Queen Elizabeth. Sir John Hawkins was a deeply religious man, who insisted that his crew "serve God daily" and "love one another" as he sailed his ship for Africa.
That's OK black folks, because at that particular time we were not considered human, so I suppose that's part of your idiotic rationale for your perpetual and historical devotion to a mythical deity.
If you've read to this point, it's apparent why I take to heart, the late, great, abolitionist, editor, lecturer and former slave's suggestion to: Agitate, Agitate, Agitate.
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