Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wake Up World

The Internet, for all it's social foibles and moral shortcomings, provides a very clear example of what can happen if we mutually cooperate with one another. 

Most people are aware of the "crab mentality," where one person is unable to get ahead so he makes the attempt to bring others down with him.

There are two websites of a few on the Internet that give us a glimpse of what happens when we work together. The two sites are:

Peko is a free app that you have to download on your Apple or Android device. Your financial success on both depends primarily on working in conjunction with other members. There is absolutely no way around it if you want to make money.

+Bubblews is the brainchild of Arvind Dixit and I'm not sure who's behind the Peko application.

Now before the "Doubting Thomases" start to chime in, there can and will be technicalities with any online company or social networking application. However, consider the fact that these sites and games are free to participate and your only investment is time. This is not necessarily the case with Peko because it can be played during non-productive hours (sitting on the can, waiting for the train, in bed, etc).

Our society would be wise to take a hint from the power of working together. To our misfortune, we have a problem with understanding that sharing is not only caring but it's a major part of our psychological, energetic and emotional makeup. It's who we really are as spiritual beings on an earthly journey together.

The more you turn your back on this universal truth, the more you distance yourself from the veracity of your inner being. Greed, negative thoughts and hatred are the culprits behind the inability to grasp this God-truth.

I'm not referring to the deity we've created in our own image. You know the one who has favorites; the one who is jealous; the one who is vindictive; the one who requires 10% of our income; the one who punishes us eternally if we don't subscribe to His religion.

These are all attributes of Man and its odd that we can't see this. I'm speaking of the God-force that exist in every single human being. No one can describe this universal force but it's tantamount to the ocean and we are droplets of water that emanate, evolve and return to that very same ocean. Human beings are part of the global ecosystem just as water, carbon and nitrogen are (elements that comprise over 90% of our physical bodies by the way).

Whether you like it or not, we are ONE. If we could collectively comprehend this fact, there would be no more wars, no more central banks robbing 98 percent of earthly inhabitants and no more hate. Planetary animosity would desist because you'd realize that you're hating and hurting yourself.

Wake Up World!

© Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved. Author, +Taskeinc

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