Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hijacked Religion

Let's look at the Egyptian and Christian Religion objectively. The Christian religion assumed the identity of the Egyptian beliefs and religious practices.

If you look at history with an open mind, and not biblical history. I find it amusing when people say, "oh the bible is nothing but a history book, especially for black people, yea, a history of lies .. OK 

Please understand this .. Why was the library of Alexandria, in Egypt destroyed .. burned to the ground? Why was Neoplatonist philosopher, Hypatia, the first well-documented woman in mathematics, brutally murdered. Hypatia was murdered by a Christian mob after being accused of exacerbating a conflict between two prominent figures in Alexandria: the governor Orestes and the Bishop of Alexandria. Even in AD 350 Bishops were in the middle of controversy and crap.

Why was Hypatia brutally murdered? These are facts! We know the library of Alexandria existed. We know that it was destroyed. We know that at least 700,000 documents related to the Egyptian culture, the Egyptian faith, beliefs, or religion, whatever you want to call it. We know that all those documents were destroyed .. for a REASON.

After the Council of Niceae, 325AD, the literature, the library, was destroyed! It was demolished, again, these are FACTS; this is not a myth, this is not a belief, these are facts. It's been rebuilt of course, but it was DESTROYED .. not a belief, not a myth, this is a historical fact. Right?

We also know that Hypatia was MURDERED. OK .. Now .. historians say it was a Christian mob, but we'll let that go, we'll just agree that she was brutally murdered. Her skin was ripped off her flesh with tiles, and while she was still alive, her limbs were burned. Those ancients had a thing for burning people and things. These were some fire-starting, arsonous MFs.. for real!

So once again, lets review the facts, Hypatia of Alexandria, the daughter of mathematician Theon Alexandricus, educated at Athens, head of the Platonist school at Alexandria, where she imparted the knowledge of Plato and Aristotle to all types of students, including Pagans, Christians, Foreigners, whomever, was savagely murdered. The library was burned to the ground. The parties responsible for her death is not relevant at this point. By deductive reasoning we can determine why the library was destroyed.

The Christian religion hijacked the identity of the Egyptian religion; stories and all. All they did was change the name of the characters. The stories stayed the same; damn near all of them; only places, names, and timelines were changed, but the central theme of all the stories remained the same.

Horus became Jesus; Mithra of Greece, Manou of India, Minos of Crete, Mises of Egypt, their stories are identical to Moses and all preceeded the story of Moses. And maybe this is not a factor, but the names all began with the letter M, so the story tellers lacked a bit in their creativity. These are not beliefs, these are facts. And don't dare cherry-pick the meaning here, I'm not saying it's factual that these characters actually lived; the fact lies in the stories being told as far back as 3000 BC .. and the letters BC, mark the end of ancient history in Europe, doesn't mean that Jesus existed, simply means that is how the period is marked.

The 700,000 or so documents housed in the Library of Alexandria had to be destroyed in order for Christians to assume the Egyptians religious identity. It's tantamount to someone trying to literally and financially assume your identity. In order for that to happen, you have to go first. It's happened before, where one evil, identical twin kills her sibling in order to assume her identity. Rarely do they get away with it, but the effort is made nonetheless.

This is what the Catholic Church and the Christian religion has done, stolen the identity of the Egyptian belief system. Straight jacked it! Stole the stories. Because if there were a "son of God," "the anointed one," "alpha and omega," or whatever, it would have to be Horus because he was the first one. He was the first one. Story was stolen; documents shreded, destroyed, library BURNT to the ground, and Horus became Jesus. Same story, different name.

Now .. people get upset with me, relatives stop talking to me - not that I really give a damn. Friends, or fair-weather-friends, disown me - not that I really give a damn .. Because the truth that I speak .. now, you say, "well, that's your truth, that's your belief." Look .. I've done the research babeeee. I started researching this matter when I was 15 years of age because as a child none of those stories made sense to me. OK .. As a KID, none of those stories made sense to me. I couldn't tell my mom or dad that the stories didn't make sense; I could not tell my mother or father that these stories did not coincide with the behavior of grown-ups in the church that we attended. I couldn't tell them that, I would have been considered a blasphemous child, would have gotten a whoopin, and sent to bed.. At 15 years of age, I would not have been physically punished but I would have been considered a demon child and been ostracized by my own family; by my own loving mother and father.

And you readers out there, and those that dare to listen to this video, do not try to act like I'm the only one; don't even think about it. I can hear some of you now saying, "oh I can't believe your mom and dad would be that way, my mom and dad they were more open-minded/BULLSHIT and you know it's bullshit. Lots of you people out there today, Christian folk, grown up today, KNOW, that if you dared to buck the system, as a child, teenager, whatever, 99 times out of 100 your family would disown yo azz, and you know this maaannn.

Now let me get back to the point. It didn't make sense to me as a 15-year-old. I began to study; I began to read; I started to research, and the deeper I dug, Jordan Maxwell's eloquet soliloquy came to the forefront of my enlightened mind.

We have been mislead away from the true and divine presence in the universe that men have called God. I don't know what God is, but I know what he isn't. Unless and until you are prepared to look at the whole truth, where ever it may go, who ever it may lead to, if you want to look the other way, or if you want to play favorites, then somewhere along the line you will find that you're messing with divine justice. The more you educate yourself, the more you understand where things come from, the more obvious things become, and you begin to see lies everywhere.

And that is what I began to see .. LIES EVERYWHERE .. So I speak out against those lies today. If you do the research you will begin to connect the dots. You will clearly see the purpose of the destruction of the Library of Alexandria - to assume the identity of that particular belief system. This is what occured during the 1st century. And they have been propagating that lie, and passing on that lie, generation after generation. Your parents passed the lie to you, their parents passed it to them. Your great grandparents, and your great-great grandparents - all uneducated in religious matters - have promoted this humongous lie. And today, you still foolishly follow those guidelines today. And don't get me started on my own people - my black folks. The same religion, used to enslave your ancestors; the same horrifying religion used to subjugate and demoralize and entire race of people. The same ma-lev-o-lent religion used to rape and prostitute your great-great-great grandmothers; from one slave-owner to the next; breaking up families, and you have the GAUL, the AUDACITY, the Chutzpah (hoots-pa) to continue to follow this evil evangelical enterprise.

This is an embarrassment, and if your ancestors could speak to you, those that did not return to this particular dimension, they would tell you to wake your ass up and get off this absurd path you're on so you can see the TRUTH. The level of brainwashing is unprecedented in human history. My people, you need to WAKE UP. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You don't study the universe, the world around you, and you refuse to. You should be ashamed of yourself. My genealogical brothers and sisters, you can get mad all you want; you can tell me or insinuate that I'm going to hell (which doesn't exist), I don't give a shit, you should be ashamed and you're teaching your children those same ridiculous stories. And guess what they're going to do? They will turn around and do the same with their children. A few will be wise and bold enough to step outside of that religious box that you, as their parent, placed them in at birth, as I was able to escape the apostolic box. For those who are courageous enough to do so, I applaud you.

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