Thursday, March 5, 2015

Halliburton and Hallelujah

Religion and War are strange bedfellows. These two societal ills have been intricately linked for the past few millennium.

Subscribing to evangelical, archaic beliefs are what keeps the masses docile and compliant. It keeps you praying for your sons and daughters who, because of the Church, corrupt politicians, and a few greedy men, have been placed in harms way. 

These pernicious men coupled with the furtively apocalyptic clergy, care absolutely nothing about your beloved offspring. 

Supplications in a mosque, synagogue, chapel, or cathedral, are the equivalent of going to the home of the oppressor praying for the deliverance of the oppressed. 

War and Religion are the most profitable conglomerates in the history of humankind.

There are 100,000 private contractors working in Iraq, Kuwait and the surrounding areas. These corporations are capatalizing on the suffering of innocent men, women, and children. The Patriotic American; the War Monger; the Fundamentalist Believer; will tell you that "we're protecting the Iraqi's liberties, while defending our borders, and rebuilding Iraq." 

First of all, America's presence in the Middle East is primarily about oil. Second, when the U.S. advertises and promotes the slogan, "protecting our borders," that's like a bully saying, "I'm protecting the boundaries of my home," while constantly coming to your yard and kicking your ass. Third, there would be no need to 'rebuild Iraq' if we were not there in the first place. 

The Iraqi War has been privatized more than any war in history and here are a few of the beneficiaries:
  • DynCorp: Police Training - $1.9 billion
  • Parsons: Engineering and Construction - $5.3 billion
  • Transatlantic Traders: Surveillance Aircraft - $5 million
  • CACI International, Inc: According to the Washington Post, CACI  receives 92 percent of its revenues in the "defense sector."
  • Haliburton: Reconstruction and Troop Support - Former CEO Dick Cheyney's company (Vice President to G.W. Bush) has been awarded $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts over the past decade. 
Paul Bremer was appointed by President Bush as Presidential Envoy to Iraq on May 9, 2003. His appointment declared him subject to the "authority, direction and control" of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. His official title was "Director of the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance" (not sure how 'humanitarian' fits in).

The name was later changed to the Coalition Provisional Authority, and Bremer became Iraq's "Chief Executive Authority." 

He does not speak Arabic, he's not an Iraqi citizen, had no diplomatic experience in the Middle East, but is somehow the C.E.A. 

The appointment by former President G.W. Bush made Bremer the "holder of the most powerful foreign post held by any American since Gen. Douglas MacArthur in Japan." 

This is eerily similar to what happened with Christopher Columbus and his gang of hoodlums. Chris and his bandits 'discovered the New World', usurped power from the aborigines (Indians), took over their land, killed hundreds of thousands in the process, and we celebrate this historical slaughter today as Thanksgiving - a day of thanks!

If we don't wise-up, as a nation, 200 years from now there will probably be a celebratory day for the "inside job" that was 9/11 which led to the ongoing war in Iraq.

An annoymous female detainee said this about the American Contractors (troops):

"The American forces came at 11:30pm and they took me and my son." My son started screaming, "That's my mother!" An American dragged me by my hand like this, screaming at me "Go, go!" "He said, if you don't confess about the terrorists you're working with, I'll send you to a place where they'll rape you." 

Many of the detainees had no affiliation with the insurgents, were not terrorist, they were simply innocent men and women who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This behavior is tantamount to the witch hunts of medieval times. 

By the way, the Uniform Code of Military Justice does not apply to civilian contractors. Therefore, if they kill or rape an Iraqi citizen, they will be sent home, not to prison. To date, there is no law that governs the actions of contractors and they are protected from prosecution.

The history of the ties between religion and war are delineated by author AndyLeeParker

She states, "Religion is sent in first with the carrot and stick paradigm. Believers are then rewarded with land and pitted against non-believers. The dibilated and duped country then falls prey to the military who occupies and sets up taxation and legal systems to enforce it all." 

This is exactly what Bush and Premer accomplished with their sinister, manipulative, controlling, and unsolicited partnership with Iraq.

There's never been a war on American soil and that includes 9/11. Imagine the horror of having to worry about your child's school being hit by a 'smart bomb' (the bomb may be considered smart, but the people behind it are far from intelligent). 

Imagine having to listen daily to the sirens warning you to take shelter underground. This is the position that America has placed myriad countries, in the past and present, and most certainly the future. 

Our problem is ignorance and fear. It's time to take a stand. NRA supporters and gun-loving idiots that are worried about their ability to bear arms don't realize that it doesn't matter. 

We can't fight the might of the U.S. Military. With the push of a button, as you stand in your front yard with your M16, your entire subdivision and the surrounding area would be obliterated.

Fighting over the "right to bear arms" is simply another element that keeps us divided. 

Religion, unfortunately, is the major culprit and the primary reason why 300 men control the 7.5 billion people on this planet. The "divide and conquer" strategy cannot work without religion. That's why the two major evangelical factions - Christianity and Islam - must be abolished if we are to survive as a human race. Religion is the cancer that is destroying our world from the inside out. 

The Church and Religion have always been the linchpin of War; supported, sustained, financed and maintained, by colossal ignorance and blind faith.

© Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved. Author, +Taskeinc

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