Monday, June 29, 2015

Transcendent Truth

The condition of the world mirrors the state of human consciousness. Our planet is reeling from the scars of hurt, fear, and judgment. Once we realize the interconnectedness of all life, hatred, greed, jealousy, and aggression will cease.

Peace on earth can only be realized when we come to the understanding that we belong to each other. Global tranquility will not be attained by political or external solutions because only inner peace can lead to outer peace.

Inherited hate is a generational curse predicated on benighted pious buffoonery passed down generation after generation. Emotionally undeveloped children, manipulated and misled by lies and deceit, are the unfortunate recipients.

Disdain for any other member of the human family, under any circumstance, accompanied by ignorance, is self-destructive. It stifles evolutionary growth while diminishing the soul. Consequently, evil becomes the seed that leads to our eventual demise. When you destroy another human being, ultimately, you are destroying yourself.

How long will we continue to teach our children to hate? How long will we continue to recite and affirm ridiculous archaic religious stories that serve only to reinforce divisiveness and mind control?

There are some who believe that one person cannot make a difference. That was not true 100 years ago and it's certainly not true in the informational technological age of the 21st century.

One person can and should make a difference, otherwise, your silence is betrayal. Not only are you letting yourself down, but future generations will be adversely affected by your moral indifference.

Like it or not, we are our brothers keeper. Meditate on the aphorism, "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."

The meaning of poet John Donne's statement is based on the fact that, centuries ago, there were no telephones; there was no way of communicating across even short distances. 

Therefore, when someone died, a "town bell" would ring. If you wanted to know, "for whom the bell tolled," you had to either take the walk yourself or send someone.

If humanity survives another 200 years, our descendants will not live the way we live, and will not think the way we think. We are facing a cultural dilemma that is forcing us to evolve as a society. The human species will become extinct if we do not reinvent ourselves in a way that is sustainable.

The corruption runs so deep, that it will take a monumental effort to keep our world from imploding. With every evil act, we are destroying ourselves and our planet in the process.

The profound cruelty we exhibit toward our fellow earth travelers is the saddest, most troubling characteristic of human nature. 

On a daily basis, humankind breaks the one fundamental law of nature; a universal canon that has evolved over billions of years, and that is, "nothing in nature takes more than it needs." When this occurs, the perpetrator becomes subject to this law and dies off. The oceans, rainforests, and homo-sapiens are all cooperatives. The sequoia tree doesn’t use all the nutrients in the soil, just what it needs to grow. A lion doesn’t kill every wildebeest, just one.

In the human body, there is a term for something that takes more than its share; it's called cancer. Religion, war, and hate, are the cancers of our world.

Where are the courageous women who stood strong during women's suffrage? Where are the bold and socially defiant, young black people who stood face to face with vicious police dogs, water hoses, and the Jim Crow south?

One of the greatest gifts of Dr. Martin Luther King was his use of magnificent oratory skills. One of many germane quotes related to a perceived enemy was, "racist enemies [or enemies in general] who persecute you, are damaged human beings."

King clearly illustrated that we have the power to liberate the oppressor from their own "damaged souls." This could only be done by following the path of love, which affords your enemies the opportunity to become fully human.

Three centuries ago, anthropophagus Europeans that pillaged their way into North America were infected with a mental illness that sucks the life out of others. In other words, every race of people, every culture they came in contact with, would either be
subjugated or annihilated.

The primary characteristics of this malevolent social disease are to commandeer civilizations for the purposes of hoarding wealth, manipulating economies, and controlling societies. Religion and war are their weapons of choice.

Critical thinking must be followed by action. South African social rights activist and retired Anglican bishop Desmond Tutu stated, "The sea is only drops of water that have come together."

We are those droplets of water. If everyone around you does nothing, things will stay as they are. Change comes about by millions of tiny acts, and these acts become one collective empowering voice.

Ancient aphorisms remind us of a language that speaks to the Divine, one with no words, no outward signs of communication, and no gestures. All humans speak this language fluently; we use it every single day - it is the language of human emotion. 

Science has illustrated that through each emotion we experience, we undergo chemical changes - pH and hormonal - that mirror our feelings. Through the positive experiences of love, compassion, and forgiveness and the negative emotions of animosity, resentment, and gluttony, we each possess the power to affirm or deny our existence, every moment of every day. This same language that gives us internal power can be extended outside into the "quantum world beyond our bodies."

Inner peace transcends to outer peace and once this connection is made, you'll realize just how powerful you are.

As stated in the book, "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden:
"From the place of strength that such a realization offers, we have the opportunity to become more peaceful and compassionate people, actively working to create a world that mirrors these qualities... When we do, we tap the true essence of the power to change our lives and the world."

If you want to make a positive difference in the world, it starts with you. Follow the sage advice of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and, "be the change you want to see in the world."
