Sunday, July 12, 2015

Unlocking the God Code - Review

Gregg Braden is a rare blend of scientist, visionary and scholar with the ability to speak to our minds, while touching the wisdom of our hearts. — Deepak Chopra, M.D. 
  • New York Times best selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, ancient wisdom and the real world!
  • 2015 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award
  • Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist during the 1970’s energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Computer Systems Designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last years of the Cold War.
Since 1986 Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today. His discoveries are now shared in 34 languages through such paradigm-inspiring books as: The God Code, Deep Truth, and his newest, The Turning Point: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes.

His 2007 best seller, The Divine Matrix, was recently selected as the source for the made-for-television feature, “Entanglement,” and is now a textbook for college level physics courses exploring new discoveries of science and our relationship to the world.

Here are some phenomenal excerpts from "Unleashing the God Code."

There is a field of intelligent energy that carries feelings of unity or separation. It is a tightly woven web that makes up the fabric underlying all of creation. It's an intelligent field that responds to human emotion.

Over one half of the worlds nations are now engaged in armed conflict. We must be greater than the differences that have led to past wars. A single unifying principle is one that includes every human on the face of the earth. It can't apply to some, but not others. It would have to be something that is not tied to any one belief, religion, or tradition.

"I see a pattern in the world around me. There is a divine expression in the intricacies of nature; and intelligence. I see a pattern but my imagination cannot picture the maker of the pattern. We all dance to a mysterious tune intoned in the distance by an invisible piper." ~ Albert Einstein