Thursday, August 27, 2015

Snow Geese

The word "Atheist" is a label. "Christian," "Muslim," "Buddhist," whatever you call yourself, all labels, even the word "God", was created by man (earliest uses of the word God is often cited to be in the Gothic Bible estimated to be from the fourth century).

If everything is made of energy; a combination of atoms, protons and neutrons, then we're all one unit, that is part of a larger universe.

If you look at your hand, or any part of your body, under a powerful microscope, you won't see anything. We are nothing but energy: atoms, protons, neutrons, which means, on a cosmic scale, we're all connected.

Five million Snow Geese migrate thousands of miles every year. Two astonishing facts of the mass migration are:

  • There's no real leader; no president, no governor, no chairperson, and as humongous as the flock of birds are, they operate on one accord. In other words, they operate as one, and that is how they collectively reach their goal.
  • Snow geese are able to routinely find their nesting grounds in the arctic tundra and return to the same area where they hatched. Snow Geese, also known as the Blue Goose, find their mates during the winter feeding season and forge lifelong bonds.
If 5 million humans attempted to migrate 5000 yards, simultaneously, there would be infighting, squabbling, manipulation, and murder.

Regardless of whether you believe there is a Creator of humankind or not is really beside the point and has nothing to do with the big picture. We all emanate from the same source, and we're all connected to that source.

The Creator of humankind is neither male, or female, black or white.
Author, Rebecca Rosen, put it this way.

"Picture the ocean, take a cup of water, dip it into the ocean." "That cup of water has the same elements of the ocean, just not the force and magnitude of the ocean, but the exact same ingredients, and that small cup is part of what makes up the ocean."

This is our relationship to the Creator of humankind, same elements, same ingredients, just not the magnitude or force.

We fuss, fight, and bicker over such inconsequential things primarily because of religious and cultural conditioning. "God" or the "Creator of Humankind" reveals itself every day. Every time you look in the mirror; every time a baby is born, every time the sun rises and sets, the Creator of man/woman is revealed.

The labels we adhere to, are what makes us appear to be separate. Religions divide; instead of bringing us together, it divides us like no other institution. Religion is the primary reason we cannot see that we operate as one.

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