Sunday, May 28, 2017

21st Century Zeitgeist

It's time to set aside political affiliations, religion, race, and creed. Love is the tie that binds humanity. Hate is the cancer and disunion that will destroy us.

It's important that we quickly change the negative zeitgeist of the 21st century. This fatalistic global aura has been exacerbated by the Trump administration. Our mutual disdain and disrespect toward one another has to stop before we reach the point of no return.

Dr. King made these statements in 1968 and they are applicable today.

  • "We have alienated ourselves from other nations so we end up morally and politically isolated in the world."
  • "Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind."
  • "There is still a voice crying into the vista of time saying to every potential Peter put up your sword... History is replete with the bleached bones of nations and communities that failed to follow this [universal] command."
It's about spreading positive energy at every turn. We post what we ate for dinner, vacations, family pictures and accomplishments.. that's all well and good.

Sometimes I brag on the success of my children, but in order to improve the energy level and change the planetary dynamics, there has to be a shift in collective consciousness. We must spread, post, and share delectation, community success stories, and 'pay it forward' every chance we get.

We can turn this around but it's going to take a collective, positive effort.

“I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.”
 ~ Mother Teresa

At the core of most people is a sickness that derails the soul from its mission of love. This malady is created by narcissism.

"I'm right you're wrong;" "I'm better than you because I'm Christian." "I'm connected to Allah because I'm Muslim." "My country is better than yours." "The white race is the superior race; the darker race is inferior." "I'm a Kappa; I'm omega psi phi." "I went to college you didn't." "I'm a tithing member of my church and you don't attend church." "I went to college, you didn't." "I'm straight, you're gay." "I'm thin, you're obese." "I am a Democrat, you're a Republican."

All the aforementioned aphorisms are what keeps us separated. We are branches of the same tree.
  • "No tree has branches foolish enough to fight among themselves."
  • "Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind."
  • "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."

 ~ Poet John Dunne

If you're down, your energy is low, listen to the songs below. They will give you an energy boost. Once your spirit is lifted, I want you to go out and spread that joy... It's time to get our act together.

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