Thursday, March 28, 2019

Stop Drinking

A hangover is your body's way of telling you that the liquids you consumed the night before, do not coincide with what's supposed to go in your body.

The effects of a hangover are dehydration, headache, fatigue, body aches, vomiting, and temporary or permanent memory loss.

Excessive alcohol consumption has been associated with an increased risk of liver disease, heart failure, cancer, and bodily injury. Alcohol and cardiovascular disease are the leading cause of death in industrialized countries.

Ethanol is the intoxicating agent in alcohol that gives it its potency; it is what gets you drunk. You may want to consider that many oil companies blend their fuels with 10% gasoline to 90% ethanol and this concoction can be used in any internal combustion engine. This is what is causing you to be inebriated.

Ethanol is also known as pure alcohol, grain alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or drinking alcohol. It is a "psychoactive drug that produces a state known as alcohol intoxication."

A psychoactive drug or psychotropic, is a "chemical substance that crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it affects brain function, resulting in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, and behavior." ~ Wikipedia

Now that you are aware of what you're consuming, does it not make sense to stop drinking, or not start at all? Most drinkers usually go with the excuse that drinking is a way to relax in a social setting. If you need a mind-altering substance to relax, truth be told, you have bigger problems than what's on the surface.

Furthermore, if you attend a sporting event, visit a night club, bar, restaurant, or concert, alcohol is usually the highest price beverage on the menu. Therefore, you're paying large amounts of money to drink ethanol (for all intents and purposes, you are drinking poison).

Most first-time drinkers will get sick and vomit. That's because your body is rejecting what you're ingesting. This happens the first two to three times. After that, the body develops a tolerance for alcohol, but it's still destroying your internal organs.

Prolonged alcohol consumption will wreak havoc on your body, cause you to make horrific decisions, and ultimately lead to a premature, agonizing, untimely demise.

© Copyright August 10th, 2013 - All Rights Reserved. Author, #Taskeinc

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