Saturday, July 4, 2020

Pious Ponzi Scheme

There are 35.5 million Black Christians in America who give at least 5% of their average monthly income to their respective churches.

The average gift per evangelically duped individual is $246 per month with ZERO return on his investment.

Meanwhile, the founders of the pious Ponzi Scheme - Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican (who get a percentage of every dollar you put in the collection plate) - are heavily #investing your pecuniary generosity in the Stock Market! 

Multiply 35.5 million Black Christians by their $246 monthly donation = $8,733,000,000. That's $8.73 Billion Per Month, that Black folks are foolishly donating to an organization that was (and still is):
  1. Instrumental in mass murder and hijacking this country from Native Americans.

  2. Benefitted financially & did nothing to prevent the Holocaust.

  3. Complicit in America dropping two A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the only country in human history to use nuclear weapons in WAR.

  4. Benefitted and did nothing to stop the mass profits behind Human Bondage, aka Chattel Slavery.

  5. Did nothing to alter horrendously unfair Reconstruction.

  6. Did nothing to stop the creation of the unjust American Prison System (that keeps free labor afloat) and the KKK terror on Black Folks.

  7. Did nothing to stop Jim Crow ... etc., etc.

  8. Have been eerily silent on COVID19 and the BLM MOVEMENT.
Yet you give the vile, despicable organization known as Christianity.. at minimum, almost $9 BILLION every month and you have $ZERO to show for it.

That's INSANE ... Your financial irresponsibility and fiscal absurdity are contributing to the destruction of the African Race in America!

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