In a Facebook group called "Near-Death Experiences", an individual posted the following.
"How anyone refuses to believe in God is beyond my comprehension. Look at the stars, the universe... We so far are the only life in the universe... we are walking miracles! That God sent his one and only son Jesus..."
Obviously, she's simply repeating what she's been brainwashed to believe since she exited her mother's womb.
Study cosmology, research the late Carl Sagan and the highly intelligent, intellectually effervescent Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and the multiverse, and you'll clearly see that humans are not the only sentient beings that occupy the infinite cosmos.
Carl Sagan: "The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space."
Dr. Tyson: "There are more galaxies in the visible universe than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world" (the visible universe is less than 5% of the universe, it's what we've been able to study via Hubble and other powerful telescopes).
Our tiny planet (Sagan referred to as The Pale Blue Dot) is located in the Milky Way Galaxy... Our closest neighbors, Andromeda Galaxy, is twice the size and twice the age of our Galaxy... 200 light-years across (1 light year is 5,878,625,370,000 miles, just shy of 6 trillion miles), and estimated to be 10 billion years old...
There are interstellar civilizations out there that are 50,000 earth years more advanced than we are... We're still fighting and killing one another for foolish reasons...
"A house [planet] divided cannot stand."
We're imploding from within, while a third of the population is waiting for an apocryphal, plagiarized messiah to "cometh with the clouds" (Revelation 1:7 KJV: Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen). I hate to burst your evangelical bubble, that's not gonna happen.
Before a few of you block me, please consider the origins of Christianity and Islam (both spawned from Judaism, and are birds of the same malevolent feather). Research the Crusades.
These two satanic organizations fought for 200+ years for converts (aka Believers, they needed people to subjugate and steal from), for control of the area, and for the sovereignty of the region dubbed the *Holy Land. A millennia later, adherents have the audacity to call these wars that claimed countless innocent victims... "Holy Wars" ... Are you freakin' kidding me?
These two satanic organizations fought for 200+ years for converts (aka Believers, they needed people to subjugate and steal from), for control of the area, and for the sovereignty of the region dubbed the *Holy Land. A millennia later, adherents have the audacity to call these wars that claimed countless innocent victims... "Holy Wars" ... Are you freakin' kidding me?
Not to mention how **Christian Colonialism has literally destroyed this planet, all under the auspices of a Mythical Messiah plagiarized from Egyptian mythology.
* Holy Land is the territory roughly corresponding to the modern State of Israel, the Palestinian territories, western Jordan, and parts of southern Lebanon and southwestern Syria.
** The tenets of Christianity were used to justify the actions of the colonists and American Slave Owners - whose ancestors, via compound interest from 400+ years of free labor - still make humongous profits in the 21st Century.
Article by taskeinc
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