Friday, July 2, 2021

Live Love Laugh

Freedom means to evaluate and reflect... Sabine Mehne was welcomed by the light, not like sunlight or any other light on earth.

"A light of such beauty and brightness, that didn't dazzle, just provided joy. I became one with the light and never experienced anything so wonderful in my life."

Sabine experienced an intense premonition that clearly stated, "this illness will bring death." 

Her flu-like symptoms were extreme. The doctors thought it was cancer but it wasn't. Mrs. Mehne experienced high fevers, weight loss, and stomach aches so severe that she required morphine and intravenous feeding. Unable to shake off the weariness and despair, she began to mentally prepare herself for death.

The one book about the subject that she had available to her at the time was Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's book, "On Children and Death." Dr. Kübler-Ross speaks directly to the fears, doubts, anger, confusion, and anguish of parents confronting the terminal illness or sudden death of a child.

There was an energy that lifted her spirit from her body as she was being welcomed by another energy. As if she were being controlled by two sides - leaving the physical for the spiritual dimension.

She saw her body from above and realized, "that's my body, that's my shell, but it didn't affect me anymore." She was surprised because she realized that she existed in a form that was different from her physical being. "It was really astonishing but beautiful." The moment Sabine left her body she no longer felt any pain and no longer had a sense of time as it had completely vanished. Sabine existed in a dimension beyond space and time. 

The intense images (or biographical film as she referred to her experience) that she saw, many repressed from childhood because she didn't remember them, left Sabine with the impression that no human brain could work like this. She saw every image of her life from birth to present and could feel the emotions of every person in every scene.

This life review as it unfolds at the earthly demise for everyone, is primarily about redemption and reconciliation. There are no hard feelings. Everything and every action is absorbed by this loving light energy. Mrs. Mehne went on to say, "If dying is like this, there is no need to fear."

My connection to religion took some serious examination. Surprised by the images that I carried around with me, that had been taught to me. I had these images of a punishing God in my mind. Due to my experiences I was able to understand something completely different, that there is no punishing God. If God as we call him even exist. For me, the term God is actually too narrow as we really shouldn't use any terms.

We don't need all these labels for an entity or for an experience to exist. These rules, regulations and pious guidelines limit an individuals freedom to feel and think for themselves. Society must open up to the fact that there is a dimension that is beyond everything and anything we have been taught since birth. 

Religions are created by humans that categorize belief systems into a hierarchical system. A system that serves to create far more problems than can be resolved. The term "Power" comes into play, which exposes a strong proclivity to the abuse of power. There is a presence in the universe that we belong to; a consciousness that is here to protect us from unforeseen dangers. This universal consciousness cannot be preached or proselytized, because it comes from within.

I'm not a religious person, I am a certain person. A spiritual being encased in a human body who has distanced himself from the dogmas of organized religion. Religions build bridges between the earthly and the spiritual, for the sole purpose of exploitation. Power is asserted by a select few who seek to control and manipulate the soul... and you readily hand over the keys. Thus, the topic "Life After Death" becomes a profitable enterprise.

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