Thursday, December 23, 2021

Hubris and Hatred of Christianity

The headline read: "Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin announce divorce..." DeVon Franklin stated that he's sorry the marriage didn't work out, it takes two to work hard, marriage is hard, etc. etc. 

The Facebook Social Network individual, perpetrating as a marriage counselor (who is single btw) posted in response:

"That sounds real good, right? This is what I saw. They went into their marriage believing and saying that marriage is 'hard work and about two people striving to be a better partner' and that two people are 'working on becoming one every single day'. I wonder if things would have been different if they were believing and saying 'we will have a perfect marriage because everything God does is perfect' and 'we are one because God says we are one'."

"We create outcomes based on our beliefs and words. If we believe that marriage is hard work [and it is], it will be. If we believe we have to make ourselves one, then we'll strive - unsuccessfully - to do so. This is my declaration: God, I thank you that we will have a perfect marriage. We will be one because You said we are one. We will have perfect love, perfect communication, perfect intimacy, perfect forgiveness, every aspect of our marriage will be perfect!!!"

What a crock of horse manure!

My response to her post:

"I disagree with your assessment... You Christian-folk need to understand that everyone doesn't believe like you all believe and that's OK. You're talking about how Meaghan and DeVon should have approached their marriage, how it may have been successful with a different approach that featured the biblical Christian God... and you have 'Single' on your profile!"

What about Buddhist?
What about Muslims?
What about Atheist? etc., etc., etc.

"Christianity is a JOKE and Christians are the most arrogant, the most judgmental people on the face of the Earth."

Evidently, the pseudo marriage counselor reported my comment, it was deemed "hate speech" by FB and my account was suspended for 24 hours. Apparently you cannot criticize Christians and Christianity on most Social Networks. 

So I decided to blog my angst with Christians and FB for not allowing people to have a difference of opinion, especially where Christianity is concerned. This was not the first time my account was suspended when I didn't agree with the majority of the sycophantic pious responses to some ignorant pro-Christian post.

Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems, is the fraud of the age. Most religions are divisive and serve to detach the human species from the natural world, and each other. These man-made (and most were created by men) religions, specifically Christianity and Islam, primarily promote blind submission to authority.

These macabre, archaic belief systems reduce human responsibility to the effect that God/Allah controls everything, and in turn, awful crimes have been and are justified in the name of the divine pursuit. Most importantly, these deleterious dichotomies empowers those who know the truth but use the religious myth to manipulate and control societies.

The "Savior of Humankind" myth is the most powerful device ever created, and serves as the psychological soil upon which other myths flourish. The Jesus story has been dubbed "The Greatest Story Ever Told." It should be referred to as "The Most Horrific Fable Ever Told."

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