Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Hell Cannot Be Real

Hell is NOT real... The loving presence in the universe that we refer to as "God" would not create such an awful place. Furthermore, at our core we are 100% energy... Energy that was never created, cannot be destroyed, moves into form (birth into the physical realm), through form (the life we all are experiencing now), and out of form (physical death), and the cycle repeats.

If you do your research - pre-Christian literature - you will see that the apocryphal story of "Hell" was created by man.

The oldest churches in the world are:
  • Dura-Europos Church
    233 AD - Christian - Syria
  • Megiddo Church - Israel
    3rd to Early 4th Century - Christian
  • Aqaba Church - Jordan
    293-303 AD - Christian
  • Mar Sarkas - Syria
    Pre-325 AD - Greek Catholic - still operational as a monastery and church.
  • Church of the Nativity - Bethlehem, Palestine
    325 AD - Multiple denominations - Under construction today
Hell was created by devious men because they were not getting enough people to attend church and to pay tithes/taxes with their gold and silver... So the story of Sheol and the Underworld was created to frighten, intimidate, control, and manipulate the masses.

Lastly, if at our core we are 100% energy, the physical, unrelenting pain and torture depicted in the biblical and koranic mythos regarding this fictitious place cannot be true.

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