Thursday, November 14, 2024

Fear of Death

Billions worldwide hold a deep-seated fear of death, often ranked just below the fear of public speaking. This fear, while pervasive, is somewhat ironic; given a choice, most would undoubtedly choose a failed speech over facing death. Yet, the consequences of each are vastly different, with public speaking’s risks paling in comparison to those tied to human mortality.

The dread of dying is magnified by religious narratives of eternal damnation in a fictional place called Hell. However, a close examination of death reveals that such fears are unnecessary. Our bodies are composed primarily of elements like water, carbon, and nitrogen, which are part of Earth’s natural recycling process. Our energy, too, is part of this endless regenerative cycle. In our truest form, we are energy—eternal beings of light and love, though many have forgotten this fundamental truth. This disconnection from our essence contributes to the discord and suffering seen in the world.

Energy, by nature, is neither created nor destroyed; it simply changes form. Our lives follow this pattern: we enter physical form at birth, move through life in that form, then ultimately transition out, continuing the cycle. This reality implies that after our Earthly journey, our energy may move on to other realms or planets, potentially inhabited by beings who resonate at higher vibrations. By comparison, Earth is in its spiritual infancy, a “4th-grade” level of awareness, while many interstellar civilizations are far more advanced.

Many people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs), during which they felt liberated from their physical bodies. These individuals describe a peaceful transition, moving toward a “Light of Love and Acceptance” that feels strikingly familiar, as if they’d taken this journey before. Some recount meeting a being of light with a joyful, comforting presence. Despite the circumstances of their lives, the majority felt reluctant to return to Earth after this experience, preferring the warmth and familiarity of the Light.

For myself, I’ve made a vow to my higher self to avoid returning to Earth or any similar planet. The negativity here is overwhelming, and I believe I’ve completed the lessons and mission I came to fulfill. If I do have remaining lessons, I am confident they can be learned in a more loving realm. A woman who had an NDE, and later shared her experience on YouTube, used the term “ghetto planet” to describe Earth. During a 37-day coma, she journeyed to other realms with her Spirit Guide and witnessed far more beautiful and harmonious places.

Whether or not we consciously remember previous transitions, our essence has always been a part of the universe’s cycle. The physical body, made of earthly elements, eventually returns to the soil, much like a discarded glove. The soul, however, continues on, taking with it lessons learned, while addressing unresolved karma in future incarnations. This cycle of life and death underscores the absurdity of hellfire myths, which lack scientific and metaphysical foundation. If energy does not burn, how could eternal suffering exist?

Ultimately, we are eternal beings, and our journey did not begin with birth nor will it end with death. Society has been misled by fear-based narratives, often for control and profit. Embracing our eternal nature allows us to live fully, without fear, knowing that life is a chapter in our soul’s infinite journey. Recognizing our spiritual nature, and seeing death as a transition rather than an end, frees us to approach life—and death—with acceptance and peace.

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