Monday, December 9, 2024

Exploring the Patterns of the Cosmos and Karma

Based on evidence from space, the universe looks the same no matter where you look. It's smooth and uniform, which means that everything seems to be connected and balanced, no matter where you are. Because of this, scientists think the universe could be one of three possible shapes: flat, spherical (like a ball), or hyperbolic (which is a shape that curves in a way that's different from a sphere).

In relation to universal truths, spirituality, and karma, this idea of the universe’s smoothness and consistency can symbolize harmony and order in life. Just like the universe appears to follow a consistent pattern, spiritual principles often suggest that life is governed by laws that bring balance, such as karma. Karma, for example, teaches that every action, whether positive or negative, eventually comes back to us, just as the universe itself follows a predictable structure. Whether the universe is flat, spherical, or hyperbolic, it reflects the idea that everything is part of a bigger plan or pattern, much like how our actions fit into the larger scheme of life and spiritual growth.

In ancient times, people believed the Earth was flat because its curve was too small to notice with the tools and observations they had. Similarly, if the universe is an incredibly large sphere or hyperbolic shape, the part we can see might appear almost flat. This is because the larger the shape, the flatter each small piece of it seems. Detecting the slight curvature of such a universe would require extremely precise instruments, possibly more advanced than anything we’ve invented so far.

The Source—whether you think of it as God, the Universe, or something else—follows a perfect geometric pattern. These patterns create order and harmony. However, when chaos happens, it’s like breaking away from that order. Even so, over time, those breaks or disruptions eventually come back together, reconnecting with the original harmony and balance. This shows that even chaos is part of a bigger, perfect system.

The soul is not tied to any religious book or teachings; instead, it is guided by love. In the spiritual realm, the only "books" are in what is known as the Hall of the Akashic Records, which holds the history and knowledge of all existence. There isn’t a single book or religion that governs creation, as religion is something created by humans. Many other civilizations in the universe also live without religion. Similarly, there is no politics in the spiritual world because there are no sides or conflicts—everything exists in harmony without division or opposition.

Karma isn’t just created by people who directly do harmful things; it also affects those who support or enable harmful actions. For example, even if someone didn’t personally commit any wrongs, supporting leaders like Hitler, Trump, Putin, or other dictators, and their harmful actions, would still result in karma. This means that being part of or supporting negative behavior, even indirectly, has consequences.

Aliens use crop circles as a way to communicate with each other, similar to how we use text messages. These patterns, which appear in fields, contain messages, warnings, instructions, and other information. The symbols in crop circles are universal, meaning many different alien species across the universe can understand them, making it an efficient way for them to share information.

In the spiritual realm, all forms of life are seen as equally important and valuable. A tiny gnat holds the same significance as a human being. There’s no concept of status or fame—no one is considered more special than anyone else. Unlike here on Earth, where some people are treated like celebrities, the Other Side values all life equally without any hierarchy.

Reincarnation is real, and it doesn’t just happen on Earth—we can be reborn on other planets as different beings. The lives we choose often reflect lessons we need to learn. For example, someone living with a severe drug addiction might have chosen that life to make up for causing harm in a previous life, like dealing drugs or introducing others to them. Reincarnation allows souls to experience different situations to grow and balance the consequences of their past actions.

There are highly advanced extraterrestrial beings that keep watch over Earth and other planets with sentient life. These beings let us live freely and make our own choices without interfering. However, they won’t allow complete destruction of the world and will step in if necessary to prevent it. An example of this is connected to the Sirius Project, which explores the idea of alien involvement in protecting life on Earth.

It’s important to always follow what feels right for your soul, even when it’s hard. Doing the right thing now will benefit you in the future, and you’ll be glad you made the right choice. Think of your actions like planting seeds—what you do today will grow into something later. Good actions lead to positive outcomes, just like healthy seeds grow into strong plants.

The Universe doesn’t judge you based on how many days you’ve spent in church, what clothes you wear, or how much money you donate to a religious cause. It also doesn’t matter if you’ve read sacred texts like the Bible, Koran, or Bhagavad Gita from cover to cover. What really matters to the Universe is your intentions and what is in your heart. It’s not about following certain rules or rituals, but about the sincerity and goodness behind your actions.

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