Sunday, August 22, 2021

Not So Holy Bible

The Christian holy book appears in the form of an anthology, a compilation of texts of a variety of forms that are all linked by the belief that they are collectively revelations of God. These texts include theologically-focused historical accounts, hymns, prayers, proverbs, parables, didactic letters, erotica, poetry, and prophecies. Believers also generally consider the Bible to be a product of divine inspiration.

The Bible was divided into chapters in the 13th century by Stephen Langton and into verses in the 16th century by French printer Robert Estienne.

Langton was an English Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and Archbishop of Canterbury between 1207 and his death in 1228. Cardinal Langton is also credited with having divided the Bible into the standard modern arrangement of chapters used today.

Estienne was a former Catholic who became a Protestant late in his life. Many of his published Bibles included commentary which upset the Catholic theologians of the Sorbonne who sought to censor Estienne's work. Eventually, overcome by the prejudice of the Sorbonne, Estienne and his family fled to Geneva where he continued his printing uncensored, publishing many of the works of John Calvin. 

Majority of those guys saying YES would bang your best friend if she allowed him to... if u're on a date with a platonic friend, then YES... if she's not a platonic friend, there would really be no point... 

And you bible apologists need to WAKE UP and realize what that book actually is.... 

Collated in 325 CE at the First Council of Nicaea... lifted primarily from Egyptian mythology... 

Divided into chapters in the 13th century by Stephen Langton and separated into verses in the 16th century by French printer Robert Estienne.

This book is not inspired by God, it was written by MAN... 

I'm sure this response will be deleted cause you Christians want to remain IGNORANT !!!

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