Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Divide and Conquer

In the history of the Western World, the Bible has been a perpetual source of inspiration and guidance for countless Christians. However, this Bible has also left a trail of pain. It is undeniable that the Bible is not always used for good. Sometimes the Bible can seem overtly evil. Sometimes its texts are terrible.
Living by philosophies, the acquisition of knowledge and the ability to self-analyze, requires shedding the archaic canonical concepts that fundamentalist believers live by. The two competing holy books, replete with archaic fairy tales, are the tools that keep the global community separated.

Divisive medieval myths are serving that which we must challenge. Disdainful actions toward another human being, predicated on labels such as class, skin color, gender and religious preference, are the antithesis of a strong, cohesive society.

To extricate ourselves from this global quagmire, we must reassess who we are as Consciousness having an earthly experience. The fundamental solution is to understand and overcome the 'divide and conquer' stratagem. To see one another in a different light we must re-evaluate our phantom self (name, race, religion, income bracket) and understand the true nature of the Homo sapien.

In our primal eternal form, we are Awareness. All the forms, bodies, black and white, are no more than vehicles used for Awareness to experience itself. We are the same Awareness having varying experiences. "We are different points of attention within an Infinite Awareness."

There is so much more to us than the five senses. Once reexamined, my self-identity moves from, "I am B.E. Shaw Sr." to, "I am Infinite Awareness having an experience called B.E. Shaw Sr."

All labels we wear fall under the category of individual, isolated experiences. Epithets are not who we are, and they do not define us. Whether you are Black, White, or Brown, Christian or Muslim, is irrelevant to the fact that we are all one Consciousness.

Our differences are no more than anomalous states of perception. Keep in mind, life's illusions are temporal. Human beings are different points of attention, experiencing a narrow band of frequency either in a Caucasoid, Mongoloid, or Australoid body.

To our collective demise, humanity has a warped perception of its true identity; reverse this serious dysfunction and the majority of our issues would be eliminated.