Consequently, death cannot be the grim reaper it has been historically depicted to be. Plain and simple, our physical demise is simply a new beginning.
Life has a nonlinear capacity or dimensionality, tantamount to a perennial flower returning to bloom in the spring. Our chemical energy comes from the consumption of food and is transformed into kinetic energy, used to power our muscles. Kinetic energy is what a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
The medieval religious stories are what has the majority so intimidated by death. The process is as much a part of the cycle of life as being born. Birth and re-birth happens throughout the universe
We jettison these cumbersome bodies as one would discard an old glove. We are immortal beings of light energy. Death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition.
Scientific research suggest that the Universe is intelligent and is orchestrated through consciousness. We reside in a thinking, vibrating Universe. Our physical body is the vehicle used to gain experience in this space-time reality. You are source energy having a physical experience on planet earth.
Research into near-death experiences show that consciousness can exist without a functioning brain. Dr. Eben Alexander, a renowned academic neurosurgeon, experienced this first hand and wrote about his phenomenal journey to the spirit realm in a book called, "Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife."
It's past time that we begin to challenge old paradigms and understand that we are capable of so much more. In the words of Mufasa (voice of James Earl Jones) in "The Lion King," speaking to his son from the hereafter, he stated, "You are more than what you have become!"
We associate and identify ourselves with the body, and the body dies. Scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think it is. It does not exist in a timeless, spaceless world.
In the end, even Einstein admitted, "Now Besso [old friend] has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Immortality doesn’t mean a perpetual existence in time without end, but rather resides outside of time altogether.
From the book, "Life Between Lives," Dr. Michael Newton stated, "If this cycle of creation is the real deal we are all reborn-reincarnated so we can gain experience after experience. Either on earth or somewhere else in this universe. In other words we are here to develop our souls - the individuated non-physical being."
It's time to wake up and stop allowing approximately 300 or so, nefarious, greedy men, to control over 7 billion people. We are so much more than we have become.
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